Best Yoga and Ayurveda Cancer Rehabilitation Centers in India : 2020-21
While the real cause of Cancer may not be known but numerous treatments that cancer patients go through kill the healthy cells as well and weaken the body. The disease also causes a log of mental trauma on the patient. This therefore, requires a lot of mental and physical strength to endure the treatment. The best way to strengthen yourself during these tough times is complementing your conventional treatment with an Ayurveda and Yoga Cancer Rehabilitation Program at a Wellness Retreat.
What this program aims to achieve:
The Wellness program for Cancer Patients can be for patients recently diagnosed with Cancer, undergoing treatment or whose active treatment has stopped. The main aim of the program is to limit the damage caused by chemotherapy, radiation etc. and help the body restore its natural balance. The program also helps in managing the stress and trauma caused by the disease.
Authentic ayurvedic massages and therapies help the cancer patients to revitalise their bodies and stay fit and make their mind positive, relaxed and motivated.
Therapies like Abhyangam, Shirodhara and Vaman are administered based on the condition of the patient. Ayurveda helps in detoxification of the imbalanced doshas in the body.
Yoga sessions, Meditation, Nature Walks are also arranged that helps in calming and controlling one’s senses.
Given below is an overview of a typical Ayurveda cancer revitalization and rehabilitation program at an Ayurveda Cancer Rehabilitation Center in India.
Amla, Garlic, Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Ginger are known to benefit Cancer patients.
In an Ayurveda Retreat, you will be provided with Satvik vegetarian meals to help you get maximum benefits from this program. The food is provided basis Ayurveda principles that helps you manage weight from within.
Pranayam helps in calming and controlling one’s senses. With Yoga, you will be able to maintain your mental and physical strength and your ability to gain benefit from treatments also goes up.
Group Meditation / Group Chanting - There is no better way to manage stress caused by a disease, than meditation. Group Meditation / Chanting practiced at these Yoga Retreats help you explore your spiritual angle and develop holistic ways to manage your senses.
Ayurvedic methods:
Abhyangam - Special types of oil massage in which strokes are given corresponding to the diseases. Most effective if practised for 45 minutes per day for 14 days. This helps in maintaining the energy levels.
Dhara - In this process, some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk are poured on the forehead in a special manner for 45 minutes. This works best to for Insomnia, Mental Tension, Managemenet of Cancer related stress and Vata predominated diseases. Best results if practiced 7-21 days.
Panchkarma therapies - These therapies help in counteracting the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Panchakarma procedures also help in minimizing the future risk of cancer by purifying the system. This includes Vamana: Elimination of vitiated Kapha dosha mainly through mouth.
Connecting with Nature - Organic farm visit, guided walk etc.